26 November 2010

round two

today my family is coming from indiana to join us for thanksgiving.  over the past couple of years, both g's and my family have been able to meet in chicago for one big thanksgiving.  unfortunately it didn't work out this year due to my work schedule. 

yesterday we were in cleveland and enjoyed a nice thanksgiving dinner g's side of the family.  we ate till we were full, laughed at stories, played games, and ate some more!  we are very fortunate that we can make such quick trips to see his family.  it's just a quick one hour flight and then a, seemingly long, one hour drive.  but it's definitely worth it! 

we woke up very early this morning to make our way back to the airport and then catch an early flight back to chicago.  after a relaxing flight in first class (thanks as always, american!) and a quick trip to garrett's for some popcorn, we were in a cab and on our way home before 7am.  i was anxious to get home to get things ready for today's thanksgiving dinner and to see how much trouble our two mischievous cats had gotten in to.  thankfully it was only minor; a tall planter knocked over, pillows from the loveseat scattered on the floor, and a small book knocked from the shelf.  lucy came out to see us right away, ali made a brief appearance later. 

so, with everything ready to go, we're ready for thanksgiving round 2!  
....my stomach is already screaming! 

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