21 December 2010

a happy christmas

in three days we embark on our annual christmas journey.  we will begin our six-hour drive from chicago to cleveland friday, mid-morning, where we will spend approximately 24 hours celebrating christmas with g's family.  there we will open gifts, dig into our stockings, (enjoy some pepperoni cheese from the amish cheese shop), and enjoy the company of the close and extended family.  thankfully, christmas morning,  we will not have to get up before sunrise.  this year we can leave a bit later in the morning, to depart from the greater cleveland area for wabash to celebrate christmas with my family.

since my sister plans to start some new traditions with her children in their own home, we will not have to be to mom's house so early.  around noon, we will arrive to unwrap presents, decide who won "miranda's favorite gift", and laugh at who received the infamous gag gifts.

the following day we will celebrate anderson's third birthday.  being a near-christmas baby (by his mother's choice), we made sure to separate the two celebrations.  after andy-man's shin-dig we'll complete our journey back to chicago.

it's funny how excited i am about christmas this year!  i'm not sure if it's the gifts that were purchased or the expressions on the receivers' faces i'm more excited to see!  regardless, i'm quite giddy this christmas season!  i really feel like a child on christmas morning!

Fröhliche Weihnachten!
Joyeux Noel!
Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!


Lucky Chance said...

Two things:
1) You may be in the running for Miranda's fav gift this year! Congrats!
2) Remind me again how I CHOSE for Anderson to be a Christmas baby?! LOL!

g said...

Three things:
1) I too am excited this Christmas! More than usual.
2) I've got a certain gift for you that I know you'll just LOVE.
3) Remember, no more than two hours of Christmas music on each drive.

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