16 December 2010

note to self

so last year, while packing up all the holiday decorations, i jotted a quick note to myself.  originally, it was to remind myself of some things i wanted to make the following year, but apparently i took it one step further.  look for yourself!

so, what did i accomplish since 12/26/09?

christmas cookies....nope
peppermint patties....check!
christmas martinis....nope

hot and healthy?  ....well, no.  in fact, i've found myself back at the same place i was last year at this time.  a bit frustrating.

i found it humorous when i opened up my decorations and found this note.  i think i'm going to make it an annual tradition.  it's like a yearly time capsule of sorts.

what would you say to your next-year-self?


andrea said...

good question. i'd probably tell myself to be healthier and try to save more money.

teresa-bug said...

I tell myself that I sure as heck hope I am gainfully employed...and am grateful to be so!

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