03 January 2011

almonds, my savior

because of my wonderful holiday diet, i have frequently found myself suffering from horrible heartburn lately.  each time i've been to the store, i forget to pick up that all-important lifesaving container of fruit-flavored tums

i started feeling quite nauseous yesterday afternoon and by late evening, other flu-like symptoms had taken over my body.  i laid in bed with nausea, aches, and horrible chills.  and the clencher was severe heartburn.  everytime i moved the flames in my chest rose into my throat.  i was finding it difficult to sleep. 

i did some research of heartburn home remedies.  i had already been told that milk, pickles, and mint were helpful.  the only thing i had in the house was milk, and well, i'd rather suffer from 4-alarm heartburn than chug a glass of milk.  as i read a few websites, i kept seeing apple cider vinegar as a successful reliever.  unwilling to choke down a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, i continued reading.  finally, someone said that raw almonds were helpful.  now that sounded like a better option!  i chewed on five or six almonds, washed it down with some water, and returned to bed.  within a few moments, it seemed that the flames within my chest were put out!

so almonds, i thank you.  you saved my life! 


teresa-bug said...

I drink raw apple cider vinegar with some honey in warm water every morning. It is supposed to be good for you. {I know I am random}

g said...

plus they are good for you!

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