05 January 2011

the millionaire game

i'm sure we've all played the "if i won a million dollars" game.  you've probably thought about what you would do if you won the lottery that had a jackpot of multimillions.  you'd give it to family, friends, charity, etc.  it's a fun fantasy game to play. 

so yesterday, i decided to purchase my lottery ticket for the megamillions.  i'm not a lottery player by any means.  in fact, i'm quite the amature when it comes to playing the lotto.  so let me share my experience buying my megamillions tickets yesterday.

i pull up to a nearby gas station.  i make sure that i have cash (i learned that debit/credit cards aren't allowed for lotto purchase a long time ago).  i wasn't sure if this particular gas station sold lottery tickets, but as i pulled around i saw the "lotto sold here" sign and was relieved that i wouldn't have to go on a wild goose chase.  i walked into said gas station and saw that i was the only person inside, along with the 4 hispanic and asian employees.  i stood at the counter with a complete dumbfounded look on my face.  i was perplexed.  "umm.....do you have...um....do you do the...um...i want to buy the megamillions."  after they were all staring at me, one employee directed me toward the end of the counter where the lottery tickets were purchased. 

"so, how does this work?" i ask.  she informs me that i can buy up to $5 on one ticket.  thinking that it's crucial that i spend the $5 to win the entire amount of the $335 million, i tell her that i'll take two tickets with $5 each.  she asks me if i want to choose my own numbers or do the 'quick pick'.  i tell her that the quick pick is fine.  so then i pay my $10 and get my two tickets with 10 sets of numbers.  WHAT?!  apparently it wasn't necessary for me to purchase $5 on each ticket to win the megamillions.  i was only planning on buying two tickets - that is, one set of numbers on each ticket.  well, i guess i just increased my chances .0000000001%. 

so, eager to see the winning numbers at 11pm EST, i log on to the megamillions site, only to discover that....i am $10 poorer.

know that i had great intentions with my winnings..... 


andrea said...

i had my fingers crossed for you!

Lucky Chance said...

You failed me.

g said...

thx for trying to get us up out of the poor house lover!!

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