26 September 2011

family visit

this past weekend g and i went to indiana to visit my family.  there were a few reasons for the trip.  initially it was to stay with our niece and nephew while my sister was at her annual work conference in michigan.  then it was the perfect weekend for us to meet her boyfriend, jeff, who we had still not met.  lastly, we could transport our guest room furniture to ft. wayne for anderson.  so the weekend was all planned out.

thursday morning g and i picked up the truck to load up the bedroom furniture (we also took our sectional sofa with the hopes of selling it there more easily...and the fact that we needed it moved asap since ours is scheduled to be delivered this coming weekend).  we loaded the furniture into the truck.  it wasn't as bad as i thought it might be, even with taking it down three flights of stairs.  g would drive the truck and i would follow in the car.  he started off and i was about 15 minutes behind.  shortly after i started, he called me to ask where i was, as he heard a pop and the truck was pulling quite bad.  as i neared, he discovered that he had blown a tired.  FANTASTIC!  ....very little works out easily for us.

after getting that taken care of, we were on our way and arrived in ft. wayne a few hours later.  we unloaded quickly and returned the truck before going to pick lilly up from school.  we had a great evening with the kids.  anderson wasn't feeling well, but uncle g took care of him while i worked on homework with lilly.

the next morning we dropped lilly off at school and anderson stayed home with us.  my mom came up to ft. wayne later in the morning and she and i put together and arranged the furniture in anderson's bedroom.  it looked great and he was excited to have his new bedroom set up!  later in the afternoon gretchen and jeff got back from their conference.  it was very nice to meet jeff and he's a super nice guy.  it's obvious that he cares for gretchen greatly and the kids really like him.  we all went out to dinner and then came back to the house and played cards.

the next morning we were up early.  gretchen and jeff had a wedding to attend in cleveland and g and i needed to get back to chicago.  it was a great weekend.  i had been looking forward to going to indiana and the visit did not disappoint!  i love my family and it's always fun to get together to enjoy each other's company.

1 comment:

Lucky Chance said...

Thanks again for everything! We had a GREAT time with you guys, as always! Can't wait to get together again soon! Love you TONS!

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