12 November 2011

baby g

today i've been fortunate to spend the day with my friend jill and her 5-month old son grayson.  sadly, i still had not met grayson until this visit.  so, when jill called me a few weeks ago and told me that she needed to bring grayson up here for a specialist appointment, i was happy that i would finally be able to meet him (and of course see jill, too!).

jill and grayson flew up to chicago from indy yesterday.  he was a great first-time flyer, his proud momma said!  i met them at the airport since i had just recently gotten in from a trip.  g and i enjoyed the evening with jill and grayson.  he took to his guncle g right away...i attribute it to the beard, like grayson's daddy.

this morning we drove north to buffalo grove so grayson could see the pediadontist.  he was born with latching issues due various reasons but the final fix was a frenectomy.  he was a super trooper (cue abba) during the 5-minute procedure and seems to be feeling fine.

i'm so glad to be able to spend the weekend with jill and grayson!  (we miss you nick!)

1 comment:

g said...

beard or not...all babies love me :)

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