07 November 2011

fall back...into darkness

early sunday morning daylight savings time began and we relished in the extra hour of sleep.  though i always enjoy an extra hour of sleep i will admit that i am not a fan of "falling back".

again, i love extra sleep.  and during my first two years of teaching i cannot tell you how much i enjoyed the extra morning light as i made my way to school at 6 o'clock.  but what i absolutely detest about the change in time is the early sunset.  

yesterday, as we drove into chicago around 3pm, it was already dusk.  yes, the sun was already setting.  and by 4:39 the sun had said goodnight and the city was dark.  i truly hate the early darkness because by 8pm you feel like you've been up forever and it's time to go to bed.

let the SAD times begin...

1 comment:

andrea said...

agreed. i hate falling back. is it spring yet?!

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