08 November 2011

fun in the 'nasti

this past weekend we drove down to cincinnati to visit our friend rachel.  i will admit that it has been way too long.  in the eight years that rachel has lived there, i had only been to visit her one other time.  friday we drove down to southern indiana to stay with andrea's parents.  there we had a nice visit with dinner, drinks, and euchre.  then we woke up saturday morning to make our way to cincy.

the drive was pretty, despite the construction traffic along the way.  we checked into the hotel and then made our way to mt. adams to meet rachel and ryan (her boyfriend) for lunch.  though ryan is a huge OSU fan, he was respectful as we watched the IU/OSU football game (though the game was much closer than any "crazy nut" would like to admit!).  the weather was perfect, so after lunch we walked around mt. adams which is a very cute neighborhood.  i remember the neighborhood from my previous visit since rachel lived in mt. adams.

later in the day we went downtown to walk around, do a little bit of shopping and then to palominos for happy hour and more football.  we spent much of the evening there, catching up, laughing, and enjoying the company of all.  ryan had been up for several hours due to his work schedule and g wasn't feeling well so he went back to the hotel.  that left rachel, andrea, and i to spend some time together.  we had a great time and whenever we're together it feels like no time has passed and we've just picked up where things left off.  we called it an early night so we could meet up early the following morning.

before heading back to chicago we went to rachel and ryan's place for a yummy breakfast cooked by rachel (she's one of the best breakfast cooks!).  it was my first time meeting remy, the cutest little guy.  sadly we had to leave to make the 5-hour trek back to chicago.

i'm so glad that we were able to finally figure out a time to go down and visit.  i hope that our next visit to cincinnati doesn't take so long to plan!



andrea said...

it was fun! i'm glad we made it down there!

g said...

i second Andrea's comment!

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