16 November 2011

my plans are no plans

"hey, what are you doing tonight?"
"absolutely nothing!"
"great! want to meet for dinner?"

i'm a homebody.  i love being at home, relaxing on my couch with my husband and two kitties.  there's really nothing better.  so, when i get asked to do something, people don't understand that i just want to be at home.  and because i travel most of the time, i relish in my time at home even more.  i do have plans; i'm sitting at home, catching up on tv and relaxing!

though i'm not one that can easily fly by the seat of my pants, i'm also not completely rigid and structured either. but that being said, i do like things that are planned out.  for example, a few weeks ago andrea mentioned that she had a groupon that she needed to use for an indian restaurant we enjoy.  we discussed our schedules and figured out a time that worked for both of us a week down the road.  it's the reality of adulthood.  we're all busy people and things take some planning.  sure it's great to spontaneously pick up and go on occasion, but oftentimes that doesn't work out.

maybe it's just me, but i feel guilty many of time times i decline invitations to do things.  i know i shouldn't, but i don't think people understand my need for "me time".  so next time you want to get together, give me just a wee bit of notice and i'll be more than happy to get together!


1 comment:

andrea said...

hey adam! what are you doing tonight?! hee hee.

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