14 November 2011

who's out there?

sometimes i wonder who is out there actually reading my blog.  i know of a few faithful readers, but i wonder if anyone else comes across "an observant mind" and takes a few minutes to read some of my past posts.

i know that i could have more readers if i sat down and continually followed (and commented) on other people's blogs.  they would then most likely read what i had to say on my own blog.  another way to gain more readers is to post regularly and about something that others enjoy reading about.  my blog has no set theme, it's just a bunch of random posts.  and i can't say that i'm the best about posting regularly.  

i'm doing nablopomo for the third year in a row, more to challenge myself than anything else.  this year, however, it's seemed like more of a task than anything else, "ugh, i have to blog today".  add to the thought of "who is actually reading this?" and i sometimes wonder why i even bother!

i suppose that is why i take blogging breaks (like i did last month) and don't stress myself out about it too much.  but, don't worry...to the three to four of you reading this, i will finish nablopomo successfully!



Lucky Chance said...

Shew! Good thing! (and I feel the same way...!)

teresa-bug said...

My mom reads tho she never comments.

g said...

i read it!!!

andrea said...

my sister and i think my mom both read it! and you know i do. you're halfway through nablopomo! hang in there :)

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