28 November 2011


  • today was my first day back at work in almost 2 weeks.  i definitely enjoyed my time at home and did NOT want to get up when the alarm went off at 3am
  • a week from today g and i will be in amsterdam.  i'm really looking forward to this short trip.  and best part is - - it is FREE!  i mentioned earlier that i bought a voucher from living social and i got three friends to buy it too, so mine was free!  
  • i enjoyed having my family here this past weekend.  i love hosting people in our home and am so thankful we are all so close and can be together like we were this past weekend.
  • the condo is all decorated for christmas!  i get ridiculously giddy when it comes time to decorate for the holidays!
  • i refuse to admit/accept that winter is now upon us.  i'm in denial so much that i will not wear my winter coat/gloves/hat.  
  • i picked up my occlusal guard (night guard) from the dentist today.  it's supposed to help/prevent my TMJ.  maybe it'll also cure my snoring that keeps g up at night. 
  • i'll be happy when nablopomo is over so i can take a small hiatus from posting.  
  • ps. one week from today is a very important day!  ;)  


teresa-bug said...

what is so important about next Monday?

Mom said...

hmm, what could that be? One week from tomorrow is a REALLY important day. Hehe Love you

g said...

Great job with the hosting duties!!!

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