16 August 2006

some anticipation

today i went into my school to work in my classroom. sure, i have about three weeks until the kids come back, but my vacation days are running short. after a trip to boston and a 2-day workshop, teacher institute days are coming up quickly.

this year, i had to move classrooms. i'm very excited about going back to first grade, but the thought of moving rooms did not excite me. with no choice, i moved everything across the hall and down two doors. while the view of the school garden is nice, the sun beats into the room the entire morning (curtains may be necessary). and my sink is no longer. regardless, i will make do - - nothing can be as bad as my tiny, windowless room in north carolina.

hanging up my colors, shapes, and numbers, i got a jolt of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming school year. with three first grades, our class numbers will be smaller. it will be nice to have only 22 students versus the 30 i've had the past two years. looking my class roster over and putting the finishing touches on student folders, i'm eager to get back into a routine.

of course i enjoy my vacation, but each year, i'm like the little kid laying in bed, unable to sleep, excited about the first day of school.

but first, i will enjoy my vacation to boston and provincetown, maybe relax a couple of days, but then it's back to the grind!

(ask me about my excitement in a month....)


andrea said...

the only reason i ever looked forward to each upcoming school year was the back to school shopping trip. ahh...the good ol' days.

I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

you are such a teacher. how cute are you that you get excited about the first day of school. i sure was glad to leave after 4 days. have fun with the little munchkins!

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