08 November 2006

f*ck the apple!

the weather has changed dramatically from day to day. i visited my family who were recovering from colds. as a result, i woke up yesterday morning with the cold from hell.

now, i'm not one to complain about being sick. in fact, my throat has been hurting for days and i've felt worn down lately. but what i woke up with yesterday morning was a mucus nightmare. it only got worse as the day went one. i came home, took a short nap, and remained within jumping distance to my bed. slept with the humidifier on and woke up feeling much better with only small crusties in my nose.

sure i've been popping the tylenol, sudafed, and mucinex all day washed down with a vitamin c smoothie. but let me tell you how much better i feel after just finishing a glass of red wine.

these doctors and their new findings are right! this stuff makes you healthy! the cold and sinus cocktail has nothing on this glass of red wine!

a glass of red wine a day
keeps the doctor away!


andrea said...

i always knew red wine was good for us! we're going to live forever.

I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

I am enjoying a glass right now as I recover from my sinus nightmare!

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