31 December 2006

we'll take a cup o' kindness yet...

2006: a year in pictures.

january: new year's in cincinnati

january: hoosier hoopla

february: cafe ba ba reeba for andrea's birthday

april: flip-cup fun

april: caribbean cruise, mayan ruins

may: lilly jane born
(obviously this isn't a birth picture!!)

june: pride '06

july: trip to paris

august: trip to indiana, selina and jamie's luau

august: trip to cape cod and provicetown, ma

august: trip to boston to visit erin and jeremy

september: back to work

october: scissor sisters concert in boston with gary and john

november: best thanksgiving ever '06

november: thanksgiving in ohio with gary's family
(no, his family is not amish, they just live in amish country!)

december: birthday trip to london

december: christmas in wabash with my amazing family

1 comment:

andrea said...

wow! relationship, family, travel, friends - you're the girl who has everything!

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