03 January 2007

7 for '07

since i feel that new year's resolutions are pointless because i tend to break them by january 4th, i've decided to make seven goals for the upcoming year.

while they are personal, i have chosen to publish them here to hold myself to them.

here we go...

1. attain and sustain a healthy, comfortable weight
2. become smoke-free
3. think about things i say and do and how they will affect others
4. further dedicate myself to my profession
5. clip my nails instead of biting or picking them
6. continue to travel to new destinations
7. get a healthy amount of sleep each night


g said...

let's do them together! especially the quitting smoking and travelling parts!

I am not your child's personal assisstant said...

I second numbers:1,3,4,6,and 7 for myself! Anyone want to go to Italy?!

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