12 September 2008

i just don't get it

it seems that every day on the news, you hear a report about fuel prices across the country, the price of a barrel of oil, and how more important how it affects stock prices each day. i guess i just don't understand our dependence on oil and why we don't actively seek an alternative.

as i checked CNN today, there were multiple stories related to oil.

"oil prices drop below $100 for the first time in 5 months"

"gas shortage: 10 gallon limit in indiana"

"gas jumps 20 cents ahead of ike"

it's annoying. oil drops, gas prices jump. stocks rise, stocks fail. why aren't there more stories about what we're doing to get away from big oil?!

domestic car companies are even preventing making fuel efficient vehicles for our country! and this isn't the first time that there has been an opportunity to get away from our dependence on oil. i haven't seen it yet, but i am interested in seeing this documentary, "who killed the electric car?"

wtf? why are we so behind? oh, because our politicians are behind all of this - making money on oil.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, you should see Who Killed the Electric Car--everyone should. Maybe if more folks got educated and outraged, we could change our government. It is time for change.

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