27 January 2009

this was the best you could do?!

arne duncan: B.A. Sociology, aspirations to become a basketball coach or professional player.

ron huberman: B.A., MBA, former chicago police officer.

lots of experience in education, huh?!

mr. duncan, former CEO (don't let that title fool ya...stands for chief EDUCATION officer) of chicago public schools was tapped by president obama to be our country's next secretary of education. sadly, mr. duncan was confirmed last week. this man is a businessman, plain and simple. he has NEVER been a teacher, yet led a large school district (unsuccessfully - don't let those manipulated numbers fool you!) and is now the head of our entire country's education policy. big, BIG mistake, president obama. this man is in favor of performance pay for teachers (i foresee teachers 'teaching to the test' even more than before, and perhaps some cheating to get that money?!) and charter schools (moving even more towards education becoming a business).

mr. huberman has been chosen by chicago's richard m. daly to take over the CEO post at chicago public schools to replace mr. duncan. mr. huberman is currently the head of the CTA, (chicago transit authority) and was formerly a chicago police officer. like his predecessor, mr. huberman has never been a teacher, nor have any experience in the field of education. i think this is incredibly sad for the future of chicago public schools and the thousands of students it serves.

it's times like these that make me count my lucky stars that i'm no longer a part of this deteriorating institution, yet sad for friends who are still teachers and young family members who will be educated in this system.

it's time for some true education reform stemming from intelligent EDUCATORS who are aware of child development and human behavior with EXPERIENCE in education.


andrea said...

seriously, wouldn't it be nice if people appointed to high level positions actually had the right experience? ugh.

Anonymous said...

I see that Illinois received a low grade for teacher retention and evaluations...good choice Barak

Erin, Jeremy, Emma and Cate said...

So sad! Wouldn't it be nice if we could have people who know ANYTHING about what is developmentally and academically appropriate for our children making decisions for our classrooms?! Maybe you or I should have applied for this job! We probably are just as, if not more, qualified! Too bad I'm not 'in' with President Obama.

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