03 June 2009

is it really june?

so when you have nothing to talk about, doesn't the topic go straight to weather? "gosh, it sure has been cold lately." "did you see the wind during yesterday's storm?" i have nothing earth-shattering to discuss, so i shall turn towards the unseasonably cool weather of late.

last weekend we went to our first neighborhood festival of the season. lincoln square's 'mayfest' is always a good time with german beer, pretzels, schnitzel, music, and of course lederhosen. the weather was great all day long - sunny skies, mild temperatures. but boy was i glad to have worn JEANS and a JACKET that evening. it got cold!

and lately it seems that every time i open the windows to let the fresh air in, i have to close them because the house gets frigid quickly. it's june already! we should be merely days away from the air conditioner being turned on for the first time. (although i will not complain about our extremely low electric bill!) i've been walking around in pants and sweatshirts the past two days! and what does a boy have to do to get the sun to return?!

thankfully we're heading to indianapolis this weekend where sunny skies and high 70s are in the forecast.

i'm just having a difficult time believe that it's the beginning of june already.

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