29 October 2009

deep thoughts

my job is pretty darn cool.

so today, i worked a "turn" (that means i worked a trip that started and ended in chicago.) in the time that i was flying i went from chicago to columbus, ohio; to philadelphia, pennsylvania; to pittsburgh, pennsylvania; and back to chicago. all in the span of hours. if you stop to think about it, that's pretty cool. you start in one place, travel to places across the country, and then end up back at home. it really makes me enjoy what i do.

oh my god. i'm going to be 30.

last night i was thinking about my birthday that is quickly approaching. i'm going to be 30. i always said that i looked forward to turning 30 (nearly all my friends are 30+). but last night i freaked a bit. i remembered turning 20; while it seemed like a long time ago, it also seemed like just yesterday. my twenties are nearly over.

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