25 October 2009


doesn't sound very convincing, huh?! it's not that i'm anti-water, but i've just never really been one of those people that enjoys drinking water compared to other drinks. when i was young, we typically had three choices for drinks: sugar free kool-aid, milk, or water. naturally, i chose the sugar free kool-aid. sure, there was soda in the house, but i don't really remember drinking it regularly until we were older.

i LOVE a good can of regular pepsi or regular coke, but due to the calorie content, i became a diet coke/coke zero drinker.

but, even though there are no calories or carbs doesn't make it good for you. so, as of today i'm going off the soda, cold turkey.

so here i am on day 1....no soda. it wasn't too hard, it was just more of reaching for the water instead of the can of soda!


Unknown said...

if you miss reaching for the can, you can always have a nice deja blue off the plane!

teresa-bug said...

I have been pop free for over 7 months. La Croix has been my saving grace. There is also some flavored lemon fizzy water at TJ's that is yummy and cheap. Good luck!

g said...

good luck with your new drink. you'll thank yourself later!

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