05 November 2009


i'm kinda over all this talk about H1N1, the swine flu, or whatever you want to call it. it's the friggin' flu. it may be a different strain, perhaps stronger, but i'm a bit over it.

maybe it's our own fault. we're so worried about germs these days. we disinfect, scrub, wear gloves, masks, and top it off with antibacterial soap. we're getting rid of all the bacteria and germs around us and making our immune systems go out of whack! not only are people getting rid of the bad stuff, but also the good bacteria that is needed to keep our immune system working how it's supposed to!

*knock on wood*
i have a darn good immune system that fights off most common things it encounters. when i was a teacher, i was able to fight off most of the germs that all my students brought into the classroom. thus far, as a flight attendant, i haven't picked up the illnesses that comes with sharing the air in a metal tube.

maybe it's because i wasn't rushed to the hospital as a child, taking any and every antibiotic that could be prescribed. to this day, i try to stay away from antibiotic prescriptions, instead letting it run its course.

perhaps it will eventually come to bite me in the ass, but for now, i will continue to go on about my life without worry of constant germs.

just don't sneeze on me, please.

1 comment:

andrea said...

i hear ya. i think sometimes in our efforts to get rid of any potentially bad bacteria, we may be getting rid of the things we need to be exposed to in order to build up our immune systems.

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