19 November 2009

hey boom-ba-latty!

dearest adam,

boy, that 35 minutes in the gym this morning sure did suck, didn't it, fatty. good thing you had two towels, because you were going to need it to sop up all that sweat. remember when you were running regularly and could complete a 20+ minute run and feel good?! yah...that 13 excruciating minutes you managed to call a run today sure is a sign - you're still out of shape.

ah, it sure is good to sit around the house and enjoy a bottle of wine, huh?! yah, well you remember that when your moobies and back fat are jiggling around when you're running on the treadmill. think you can have just a couple of fries?! enjoy because you'll see them in your chipmunk cheeks in the next photos you see of yourself.

hey, maybe you could actually do something to get closer to your goal. you're obviously not going to meet your "30 by 30" goal you set oh so long ago. and don't think that renewing your membership at the tanning bed is going to do anything. sure tan fat looks better than white fat, but you're still fat! your spring plans are building up, so wouldn't it be nice to look back on those trips and feel good about how you looked and felt?

it's time to do something for real this time. yes, the holidays are coming up and your 30th birthday bash is just around the corner; but, you can continue to make excuses or you can actually make a choice to get healthy. c'mon! do something!


g said...

let's do it together!

andrea said...

i have guest passes for my gym if you guys ever want to come! maybe you could go stealth mode and spy on my sessions with kevin (ala grace adler) and get some free personal training! haha!

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