30 November 2009

i did it!

today is november 30; the final day of nablopomo! for the past 30 days, i have posted an entry on my blog each day! while i'm glad to be relieved of the "stress" of posting an entry every day, i must admit that it was a lot of fun! it wasn't nearly as difficult as i thought, either!

i enjoyed reading other nablopomo participants' blogs each day, knowing that there would always be something new to read! i hope that by participating in nablopomo, i will be more inclined to post more regularly!

thanks to all (4-5?) of you who read all month long!!

photo found here.


teresa-bug said...

Congrats!! Looking forward to many more posts!!!

andrea said...


g said...

we did it!

Rhonda said...

Hey Adam, I'm a friend of Gretchen's. I have enjoyed reading your blog and have for quite a while now. Keep it up! Your now on my daily read list. :)

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