27 November 2009

it's a mad world

it's black friday. many shoppers have been up for hours and standing in lines watching the sun rise. some have been trampled, some got their must-have items, and others are still loading up their shopping carts. for what? those early bird specials?

it doesn't sound like fun.at.all to me. and that's why i'm not out there with the masses. i'm not going to wake up at the crack of dawn to go shopping and i'm especially not going to wait in a long line to get inside a store!

i do take advantage of one thing retailers have to offer around the holidays - free shipping. that's right, online shopping. for many gifts, i like to purchase them from the comfort of my home. i can sit in my pj's on my couch while doing my holiday shopping. it's perfect. no lines, no crowded stores, no hustle and bustle. and i accomplish the same thing as those disgruntled shoppers who have pushed their way through the stores all morning long.

so to those who waited for those door-buster deals, i hope you were successful. i was still curled up in bed.

1 comment:

g said...

my patience would be screaming at me if I was out there shopping today.

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