09 December 2009

december birthdays

i enjoy my birthday. sometimes i act as though it should be a national holiday! thankfully, many of my friends are the same way. this creates long, extended birthday celebrations. last weekend was my weekend celebration. it was fantastic and i thank everyone that made my big 3-0 so wonderful!

but, as long as i can remember, december was the month of birthdays. of course, this month was special for my mom's family for years. four out of the five children were born in the month of december, my mom included. in fact, they were made famous one year when my mom turned 6 on the 6th, a. elaine was 9 on the 9th, a. cathy was 11 on the 11th, and u. tim was 2 (24 mos.) on the 24th. pretty neat! and i've seen the AP newspaper photo to prove it!

mom's birthday is on the 6th. i guess you could say that i was her birthday present 30 years ago! i suppose it also means that she's had to share some of the celebrating with me, especially when i was a child. my favorite birthday was when i turned 16 and mom turned 40 - milestone birthdays for both of us!

nearly two years ago, my nephew anderson was born on the 27th of december. i feel bad for him that his birthday is so close to christmas. i'm afraid he'll never be able to bring birthday treats to school on his birthday and his friends will be away when he wants to celebrate his big day. i suppose that's up to us to make his day special each year. i'll be sure to pass on the birthday holiday to him!


and a special happy birthday to two great friends of mine, erin (today!) and jill (27th)!!


teresa-bug said...

You always act like it should be a national holiday...not sometimes!!!

Lucky Chance said...

AWWWW POOOOOOR ANDERSON! His life will probably be forever ruined because his uncles weren't at his first birthday party :( AWWWWW!

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