29 January 2010


i love my kitty, emerson. he has definitely become an important part of our family. we have already had medical concerns, overly concerned parent calls to the vet, slight irritations, sleepless nights, and most importantly a lot of love.

i've found myself truly missing him when i've been away on work trips, eager to get back to him. when myself or g returns from a trip, em (as he's affectionately called) is at the door to greet us and then constantly follows us around, right at our feet.

there's nothing i enjoy more than sitting on the couch with him on my lap. i've found myself asleep on the couch early in the morning, having fallen asleep with his warm body purring loudly on my lap.

and i'm already "that person" that takes numerous photos of him and then shares them with anyone that will look (many times having no choice!)

thankfully, emerson loves people. he's always happy to purr on a new friend's lap! he's definitely a spoiled little guy. he's already received a few new toys from friends of ours who have come to visit us...or maybe him?!

i'm extremely happy that we adopted this loving little furball. i know that he will provide us with many years of happiness and love.

look at me! i'm cute!

waiting on me to finish my shower.

i don't think that he wanted me to leave for work!

attack kitty!


g said...

he's says "meow daddy"

teresa-bug said...

Cats are the best, aren't they????

Unknown said...

i love being the crazy cat auntie!

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