16 February 2010


2 pieces of whole wheat bread - 140 calories

whole wheat sandwich flats - 100 calories

american cheese single - 90 calories

laughing cow garlic & herb cheese - 35 calories

1 oz. absolut mandrin and 2 oz. sprite - 69 calories (vodka) + 24 calories (sprite) = 93 calories

1 oz. vodka and 2 oz seltzer - 56 (vodka) + 0 calories (soda water) = 56 calories

making a switch can be quite positive, maybe even better!


Erin, Jeremy, Emma and Cate said...

Good for you, Pooks! Oh and those sandwich flats are yummy! Sorry about your mandarin and sprite. I know you'll miss her. :( Vodka and Seltzer seems a little more 30's sophisticated rather than 20's bar hopping. Know what I mean? Keep it up!

Unknown said...

good job! i love how you even found a "healthier" version of your favorite alcoholic bevvy!

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