21 March 2010

because i know you

today is national down syndrome day. it was chosen on this day (3/21) for the significance of the third copy of the 21st chromosome. my youngest sister, miranda, was born with down syndrome just over 24 years ago. i was 6 years old when she was born and can almost remember that day. how quickly i learned of down syndrome and what that meant for my sister and our family. she was a tiny thing when she came home. in public, she was often mistaken for my sister gretchen's baby doll. in addition to being born with DS, she was also born with a significant hole in her heart. she spent a great deal of time in the hospital the first couple years of her life.

the one thing that can always be said about miranda is that she is a caring, compassionate individual. she loves everyone. sure she has her moods, but she truly cares for everyone.

i can honestly say that i cannot imagine what i would be like today if she wasn't in my life. i do know that i would be a completely different person. having miranda in my life has taught me many things. a great deal of my sensitivity to others' feelings comes directly from her. my knowledge of people's differences in abilities comes from her. it is because of her that i hold a minor in special education. but the most important thing i have gained from miranda is strength. she's been a fighter since day one and she has taught me what i am capable of.

so i thank miranda for being such an important and inspirational part of my life.

love you, ditty b!


g said...

you are both lucky to have each other in your lives.

Unknown said...

awww! that made me tear up a little. you guys are all lucky to have each other. :)

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