05 March 2010

working with friends

i really enjoy my job and am thankful for what i do. i completely changed careers nearly two years ago and haven't looked back. that being said, we all have our days when we dread being at work. but i've realized that the greatest way to make my job easy and enjoyable is to work with people that i know and like.

recently, i've been fortunate to work with people i know or have worked with previously. you know how they operate, a little bit about their background, and there are always plenty of stories and laughs!

next month, i'm working with two friends of mine. i honestly cannot wait. regardless of what days we work or where we spend the night, our time on and off the plane will be enjoyable!

seriously, just another one of the MANY MANY perks of my job!!

1 comment:

g said...

it's always better when you work with your friends. it can be like a mini vacation...with pay!

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