14 June 2010

time *flies* by! (pun intended)

i can't believe that today is my 2 year SWAnniversary! (as they call it) although some days it feels like i've been flying forever, i can't believe that it's already been two years.
and while i may sit at the bottom of the seniority list, i'm extremely thankful for the following things:
  • i'm based where i live, in chicago
  • i have a job
  • i work for a great company that cares about its employees
  • i enjoy what i do
  • i have the flexibility and resources to travel

here's to many more years!


teresa-bug said...

And it has been 2 years ago last week that I walked out of a school for the last time. Life changing moments for us both!

andrea said...

happy anniversary! i know you LUV your job. hee hee.

g said...

oh, Andrea. LOL
Congrats baby!

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