25 July 2010

the rich get richer

i had been putting it off for a while now, but this evening i watched capitalism: a love story. the reason i had put it off is due to my irritability watching things like this. i get so fired up, yet feel so helpless. again, michael moore puts together a factual, thought-provoking documentary, this time focused on the financial collapse of u.s. banks, home foreclosures, and capitalism as an economic system.

without going into great detail, i will highlight something things that stood out to me as i watched the documentary:

  • the top 1% (in terms of wealth) are richer than the bottom 95% combined.
  • is socialism really that "horrible" of an idea?
  • FDR proposed a second bill of rights shortly before he died that would have granted US citizens a job; an adequate wage and decent living; a decent home; medical care; economic protection during sickness, accident, old age or unemployment; and a good education. can you imagine how different things would be in this country if this would have come to pass?
  • numerous companies take out life insurance on their workers, without their knowledge. here is a list of companies that do this.
  • americans are incredibly greedy.

"i sincerely believe...that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies."
-thomas jefferson, 1816

"property monopolized or in the possession of a few is a curse to mankind."
-john adams, 1765

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