06 August 2010


because i have so much to say (or share) regarding the ruling on the now-overturned proposition 8 in california, i have decided to devote "8 days to no H8".

the argument i keep hearing from many (mainly conservative) people is how "un-american" it is for ONE person to overturn the votes of millions of citizens. essentially, judge vaughn walker overturned the will of the 6.8 million people who voted against gay marriage in november, 2008.

but this argument is irrelevant. judge vaughn walker was appointed the the federal district court in 1989 by president george h.w. bush. under our democratic constitution, the president (whom we elect) makes these judicial appointments and is then confirmed by the u.s. senate (again, whom we elect). and in a system of checks and balances set up in our government, one branch may overturn a decision made by another branch. throughout history, major laws have been overturned by the courts.

maybe you've heard of a few of these landmark court cases:

it began in 1803 with marbury v. madison.

dred scott v. sandford

plessy v. ferguson

brown v. the board of education

miranda v. arizona

roe v. wade

perry v. schwarzenegger (the court case challenging the validity of proposition 8) is just one more court case that will go down in the history books ruling on the constitutionality of a law.

photo found here.

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