10 November 2010

let's go all the way tonight

if you're not a gleek and didn't see last night's episode of glee, you missed the best episode of the season so far!  glee always does an amazing job of tackling current issues.  this week, the topic of bullying was confronted.  kurt, the only openly-gay teen at MKHS finds the courage to confront his bully, shockingly head on ... quite literally. 

in the midst of the episode, kurt meets an ally from another school with whom he can relate.  lucky for us he's attractive and has an amazing voice.  here he is singing with his acapella group! 

again, can i mention how much i LOVE this show?!  i cannot wait to see how this "friendship" progresses!


andrea said...

i loved this episode! as much fun as their themed episodes are, i like when the show deals with real issues and topics. yay kurt!

g said...

I was SHOCKED when the kiss happened.

teresa-bug said...

I still don't get this show.

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