31 March 2011

picture challenge completed!

i really enjoyed completing this photo challenge!  it was a great excuse to go through older pictures while laughing, remembering old memories, and saying "gosh, look how thin i was then!" countless times.  there were some pictures my myself that i came across that i wanted to share, but didn't fit into the criteria for any of the challenge days.  so, here are some more pictures! 

 one of my favorite pictures that my grandpa took one halloween when i was younger.  my sisters and i wore the hell out of that clown costume that my aunt made.  i think all three of us wore it at some point.

at the fort wayne zoo (i believe)
i think this is when my fear of animals began...i remember being chased by a goose!

high school marching band, senior year.
my best friend anna and me.

gretchen and me, hilton head island, 2000

andrea, rachel, and me at oliver winery.

 college graduation party, 2002
check out those highlights!!
me working with a first grader during a college practicum class.  
(i loved that sweater!)

some know this picture as my "i'd do me" picture.  not sure why but i LOVE this picture of myself.  i think it's because it's one of the first pictures of myself after i lost about 50lbs when i went to college! 

a picture at dinner with friends, shortly after i moved to chicago. 


teresa-bug said...

Wow...we met in 2002. You were SO young! I was just younger {thank I am now}

g said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the challenge. There were some good pictures in there!

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