25 April 2011

pain at the pump

the price for a gallon of gas in chicago is now the highest in the nation.  the average in the city is $4.27/gallon.  ouch.  the average for the rest of the nation is $3.88.  two weeks ago i filled my tank at $4.29/gallon.  i fear that gas prices over $5 are not far into our future. 

while we're paying the highest prices in the nation, we're also lucky to have a good public transit system in chicago.  i guess i'm going to have to tell myself to hop on the train or bus more often than getting into my car.  or better yet, if spring would ever come, i could use my own two feet or bicycle to get me to nearby places!  good for the wallet and for the waistline! 

how much did it cost you to fill up last time at the pump? 

1 comment:

teresa-bug said...

I drove to SC and paid 3.66 I think. I will cry when it gets to 4.29. INSANE!

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