29 May 2011

i long for my indiana home

today is the 100th anniversary of the indianapolis 500.  growing up, my dad was a huge indy race car fan.  i can remember races being on television nearly every weekend.  our family often went down to indianapolis for the time trials prior to the race weekend.  i can always remember being told that i couldn't go to the actual indy 500 until i was older (i later discovered all the debauchery that was present on race day, especially in the infield).  while my enjoyment with racing never fully developed like my dad's, i still get a bit excited each memorial day weekend for the start of the greatest spectacle in racing

there is a lot of tradition that goes into the indy 500.  the 2 1/2 mile track is the original speedway, from 1909.  it is the largest capacity sporting event in the world.  one of the most interesting pieces of the track is the brick start/finish line.  the winner of the race always drinks a jug of milk.  at the start of the race, the national anthem is sung alongside "back home again in indiana", an annual tradition since 1946.  since i can remember, that song is always sung by jim nabors.  after a short prayer and the playing of "taps", a large group of balloons are released in the sky. 

tony hulman is responsible for rescuing the indianapolis motor speedway around world war II and making it what it is today.  each year he would start the race by saying "gentlemen, start your engines!"  after mr. hulman's death, his wife carried on the tradition (i can remember her, quite frail, getting up and starting the race).  after she passed away in 1998, their daughter continues the tradition. 

it's exciting as the race comes to an end and the checkered flag waves to usher in the winner of the indianapolis 500! 

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