13 May 2011

let the grilling begin!

one of the things i enjoy most about grilling is the ability to come up with things quite easily.  g was on a trip and i was home by myself a few nights ago, but i wanted to make something yummy for dinner.  i had some chicken, a couple tomatoes, and a red onion.  voila!  a tasty dinner is born! 

i grilled the chicken with just some salt and pepper.  after i chopped the red onion, i tossed it in some balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and evoo.  after cutting the tomatoes in half, i removed the seeds and extra juice (from what i read, the flavor from the seeds and juices will cook away when grilled anyway), drizzled it with evoo, and seasoned it with salt and pepper. 

i made some basmati rice and added some dill weed.  i then added the onion, tomato, and chicken and i had a healthy, tasty dinner!  ....now if only i would have had some tzatziki on hand....

1 comment:

Lucky Chance said...

YUM! Looks great!

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