02 May 2011

may days

i can't believe it's the beginning of may already.  i'm hoping with its arrival it means for warmer, sunnier days.  like it does every year, i know that it will go by quickly.  with everything we have planned this month, it's going to allow for little time to breathe! 

aside from working quite a bit this month, we have the following things going on to keep us busy:
  • weekend work trip to NYC which mom and gretchen are joining me for, while lilly & anderson hang out in chicago with uncle g
  • postponed trip to sarasota for a weekend visit with tracy
  • lilly's 5th birthday party in ft. wayne
  • bike the drive on memorial day weekend
  • and hopefully tickets to see adele in chicago
 i long for nice days in chicago.  i hope that i can squeeze in bike rides along the lake and evenings dining al fresco.  now i just need the weather to cooperate!

 photo found here

1 comment:

g said...

It'll be a whirlwind month but you and I operate pretty well like that.

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