23 May 2011

techie talk

~ i finally downloaded an app for blog posts. using the regular blogger website doesn't allow me to add pictures and is difficult for other features. so this is my first post on my ipad, using blogpress.

~ speaking of my ipad...a couple months ago i bought the zaag/mate. it essentially turns my ipad into a miniature laptop with a complete
keyboard. that being said, it's a bit smaller than a typical keyboard so i'm quite prone to typos.

~ do you have 'words with friends'? if not, download the app today! it's scrabble on your phone! and if you add me (arh79), you're sure to win!

~ i've really taken to twitter. though i've had my account for a couple of years, i didn't use it regularly until recently. i now follow 158 people and have 33 following me. i get instant news updates, random tweets from
fellow twitterers and am able to get a small glimpse into the lives of 'famous' people. i like that more of my friends are starting to tweet, too! follow me! adamIU02

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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