16 June 2011

a father of sorts

i don't tell myself enough just how amazing and caring my husband truly is. today our niece and nephew's preschool was having a father's day lunch. with their father living states (and hours) away, he was unable to take time off word to attend his children's special day. {my sister wrote about it here.} after hearing about how upset the kids, especially lilly, were about not having their dad there, g said that he'd love to go!

so this morning, g woke up early to make the 3 hour drive to ft wayne to attend the kids' father's day lunch. my sister sent me a text later to say that lilly was absolutely thrilled when uncle g walked into her classroom.

g called me after the lunch was over and said that the kids were happy he was there. he said there were many kids' fathers who weren't there so he was happy that he was able to be there for lilly and anderson.

i'm so lucky to have a wonderful husband. he's an amazing man and a great uncle to two wonderful kids. *love*
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Lucky Chance said...

G will NEVER begin to understand how much this means to me. I know how much of an inconvenience it was for him to drive all this way, but the fact that he was willing to do it for my babies absolutely warms my heart. I will be forever thankful for this day.

teresa-bug said...

Again, I cry.

g said...

It was a good day. I love spending any amount of time with them and it made the drive worth it to see their little faces as we all sat around that table eating lunch together.

andrea said...

G is a good man. I'm so glad the kids got to have him there for their school event.

Aunt C. said...

Yea for Uncle Gary!!! That was such a sweet thing to do!!!

Rhonda said...

I'm a friend of Gretchen's and read both your blogs on a regular basis and may I just add what Gary did was such a wonderful and special thing he did for those two!

It brought tears to my eyes reading about it.

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