07 June 2011

staycation 2011: an update

a week ago today we started our staycation.  though we have discussed taking a short trip somewhere numerous times, we've stayed strong and maintained our original plan to stay home.  in my last post, i listed some things we wanted to get done around the house.  so far we've accomplished the following:

  • storage unit cleaned and organized
  • inside/outside of windows cleaned
  • dresser drawers cleaned out
  • shower doors, medicine cabinet, and faucet purchased 
  • deep cleaned the living and dining rooms (we're talking all furniture moved out)
i say that's a nice start on the to-do list!  (in regards to the home purchases, we were able to come in under budget on the first two items that we were able to go ahead and purchase the kitchen faucet we wanted!)  shower doors, medicine cabinet, and faucet will be installed next week!  can't wait to see how they all look!  

we also planned to do some things around the city and take a couple short trips nearby and have done the following:
  • went to lincoln square mayfest
  • went to indianapolis winefest (blog post to come soon!)
  • bike ride along the lake and laid out at the beach briefly
  • lots of kitty cuddle time
the past couple of days have been hot as blazes in chicago!  our blinds have remained closed and we were forced to turn the air conditioning on yesterday, mostly for the sake of ali and lucy (who were sprawled out on the hardwood floor or finding cool spots under our bed).  

though i may regret it, i decided to pick up a trip to seattle and back tomorrow.  it pays really well and i'll still be home in the evening.  it will allow me to get out of the house for a while and let g enjoy the day at  home alone.    

so far it's been a great staycation!  my mom asked me yesterday if i was bored.  i quickly responded, "NO WAY!"

photo found here.  

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