15 June 2011

staycation finale

well, my staycation has come to an end.  after nearly two weeks off work, i'm headed back to the dirty bird today.  it was so nice to sleep in each day, go here and there as i pleased, and spend plenty of time relaxing at home.  though the weather wasn't always the best (scorching hot days followed by cool, rainy days) and i was itching to get out of the house at times, i enjoyed my time off.

we accomplished our entire to-do list and most of our to-see/short travel list.  it was great that we had the complete freedom to do whatever it is that we truly wanted.  we considered a short trip numerous times, but stuck to our original planned and stayed close to home.

though there were a few bumps over the course of the two weeks, i really enjoyed spending time at home with g.  since our schedules provide us time alone, it's sometimes difficult to be home together for an extended amount of time (we're both people that enjoy spending time together but like our occasional time alone).

so here's to a nice, relaxing staycation!  ....and back to work i go.

photo found here.  

1 comment:

g said...

it was very nice...next year, back to the world however!

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