11 July 2011

clinton library

on a recent work trip, i visited the william j. clinton presidential library while on my overnight in little rock, arkansas. i've always talked about going, but never had. it was a short 10 minute walk from the hotel. the building is quite contemporary (there was even a parking spot with a battery recharger for electric cars!).  consisting of a lot of glass, the library is very bright and open inside.

i watched the orientation video at the start of my tour. it covered president clinton's days as governor of arkansas, the run for the presidency, and the many things he accomplished during his 8 years in office. while watching the video, i thought of all the "haters" who would be shaking their heads, ready to add their negative input, but there's no denying the many great things president clinton did for the country during his two terms in office.

after the video i walked through the exhibits. reading the various placards on the wall took me back in time to my middle and high school days.  i remember the many things people said about "slick willy" (notably my grandparents who would listen to rush limbaugh, his arch nemisis, constantly).  i remember the new congress elected during his office and how newt tried to create a villain out of president clinton.  very few could ever forget the blue, stained dress or the impeachment process of the president.

i walked away enjoying all the museum had to offer.  i loved looking at the oval office just as it was during president clinton's days as president, the presidential limousine, and especially some of the letters written to president and first lady clinton during their days in the white house.

i would highly recommend visiting the clinton presidential library if you find yourself in little rock.  it's the second presidential libary (JFK's in boston, being the first) i've visited.  i hope to see many more presidential librairies, as there's so much to learn about the people that have led our great country.


Anonymous said...

If he could run again, I would vote for him! And, Newt should crawl back under his rock!! Of course, I did have a paid week's vacation courtesy of Newt and his cohorts when they shut down the government! Can't complain about that!!


g said...

I'm glad you are continuing your quest to visit each library!

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