06 July 2011

reading in 2011: book #9

stories i only tell my friends: an autobiography by rob lowe 

i've seen rob lowe in numerous movies and television shows and have always found him attractive.  i love that he's not a "big" celebrity and plastered all over every gossip magazine.  when i saw him on oprah a couple months ago, i realized how down to earth and humble he truly is.  it was that interview that prompted me to buy his autobiography.  

it's a very quick and easy read.  there are very few "juicy" details, but he's very forthcoming about his past and his present.  he's a very admirable man.  before his career, he's a family man - a very loving husband and father.  

if you're in the mood for a good read about a genuine person, i would recommend rob lowe's autobiography.  


teresa-bug said...

I LOVE him and had a poster of him hanging on my wall when I was younger. He is HOT! I want to read this.

Lucky Chance said...

I've been dying to read this since I saw him on Ellen. Let me borrow it?!

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