30 November 2011

tirade tuesday...on wednesday

Source: bluntcard.com via adam on Pinterest

a few things that i've read via news sites today have really got my blood boiling.

let me start off with this article from the huffington post.
for those of you who are not going to click on the link and read it in its entirety, here's a brief synopsis:

kevin hogan is a high school english teacher, department chair, and coach of the crew team at a prestigious charter school in massachusetts.  after receiving his bachelor's degree at northwestern university, he earned his master's degree from boston college.  he has over 20 years of experience teaching at the secondary and college level.  recently the local fox news affiliate in boston uncovered mr. hogan's brief stint in the adult film industry, appearing in three gay porn videos.  now, apparently all his experience and qualifications in the education field are trumped by the fact he did porn.  he has been placed on paid administrative leave by the school.

here's this teacher who has excellent qualifications and experience in education, has a great rapport with all of his students, but as it is with all teachers, is held to higher expectations within society.  his adult entertainment stint took place prior to his employment with the school, it didn't happen at school or on school time.  it has absolutely nothing to do with his abilities as an educator.  so why is this man (probably) going to lose his job?  i understand that teachers work closely with students on a daily basis, but why are they held to different standards than most others in society?  why are teachers not allowed to have a private life?
(i highly encourage you to read the link above because i couldn't agree more with the writer.  i basically agree with everything he says.)
and now for my comedic spin - if teacher's were paid appropriately, perhaps he wouldn't have to turn to gay-for-pay pornography to supplement his income!

moving on....

gop presidential candidate herman cain has been accused of a 13-year extramarital affair.  after the multiple accusations of sexual harassment, is this a man that people truly think is someone that should be the leader of this country?!

while we're on that subject, let's give a rundown of the gop presidential hopefuls.

Picture Source: someecards.com via adam on Pinterest
i'm already over the 2012 election campaign. 

i like to be informed, but sometimes i wish i didn't even read or watch the news.  

finally, i successfully completed nablopomo once again!  i hope you enjoyed my daily posts, and thank you for your comments!  


andrea said...

congrats on nablopomo! great post to end with. as usual, i agree with you - great points about the teacher in the article and the gop candidates.

Lucky Chance said...


g said...

good job on NaBloPoMo!!

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