21 November 2011

wish big, win big

our local grocery store is currently having a 'collect and win' game called "wish big, win big".  sadly, i've gotten quite hooked on it.  depending on what and how much you purchase in groceries, you earn a select number of stamps.  in each stamp is a coupon and four game pieces.  you then take each of the game pieces and add them to your game board (it's very much like the monopoly game at mcdonalds).  you can win cash prizes, a car, ipad, camera, tv, or gift cards; "over $30 million in prizes and money saving offers", the contest touts.

each week after our grocery trip, i come home and open up each stamp booklet and then affix the game pieces on my board.  it's sad how excited i get!  there are many prizes where i only need one more piece!  i've recruited andrea to save her extra pieces so we can swap, adding to our chances!  though the contest doesn't end until february 1, i've already won a $2 cash prize!  i'm still holding out for the $250,000 cash prize or the $50,000 vehicle prize, though!


andrea said...

i hope we win big!!

ColorfulHouse said...

anyone who wants to trade pieces let me know.

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