29 November 2010

donors choose

when i was a new teacher, i went with teresa to hear ron clark speak.  we both were intrigued by mr. clark's essential 55 rules for his classroom and were eager to hear how it affected his students and his teaching.  before he spoke, we were told about a new, up-and-coming charity that would help teachers get the resources they needed.  it was called donors choose.  by using donors choose, teachers would be able to write a small grant explaining a project for their classroom to help their students succeed.  anyone would then be able to fund the project, giving whatever dollar amount they chose.  once the project was completely funded, donors choose would then provide the teacher with the materials they requested for their classroom. 

after moving to chicago to continue my teaching career, i was faced with fewer resources than when i was in charlotte.  each year, i would video record my students as they shared or explained their projects.  we would then send the video tape home with each student for a night so that all the families could see their child and his/her peers.  unfortunately, my school did not have video recorders to use.  i remembered donors choose and submitted my project idea on the website.  fortunately for me and my students, our project was fully funded by a very generous individual.  each student created a thank-you card that was sent to our donor to express our thanks. 

over the past few years, i have heard more and more about donors choose.  i have always supported their cause and felt it was an excellent way for teachers to provide more to their students.  recently, oprah highlighted donors choose on her annual 'favorite things' episode.  groupon then contributed by providing 60% to each donation.  for $10, $20, or $40 you could contribute $25, $50, or $100, respectively, to fund a teacher's project. 

i chose to purchase one of these groupons to help fund a teacher's project.  with a $20 groupon and an additional small amount, i was able to complete the funding for an elementary teacher's project.  i received an email from ms. f shortly after my contribution thanking me:

"Thank you so much, A Hahn! I am touched that someone who doesn't even know me personally would give such a generous donation and complete our project. This holiday season I am thankful for you and all the others who donated who have seen a need and helped. I am thrilled, and I know my students will be, too!"

it made me feel so good to help out this teacher.  to think of how she and her students will be able to use the additional resources makes me happy.  i remember how i felt when i discovered my project was funded and i know that she, too, is over-joyed.

today is the final day that you can take advantage of the groupon deal helping donors choose.  go buy yours today, before it's too late.  make a teacher's holiday brighter!  support public education!

click here to access the groupon to aid public school projects! 

1 comment:

teresa-bug said...

I am going to get some math books for a third grade class for my cousins' Christmas present. I love DC.

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