19 November 2010

'fankful friday

i thought our furnace was having issues this morning, but a simple reset and a few moments of patience allowed for the comforting roar to return.  because of this, i thought that today was a perfect day to list the many reasons i am thankful. 

i am thankful for...
  • my working furnace and the heat that it provides
  • my new two adorable and cute kitties, lucy and ali
  • an amazing family and group of friends that make me smile everyday
  • a loving husband that is patient and kind
  • a home that allows me to host thanksgiving dinner for my family
  • my job and the travel is provides me to visit family and friends who live far away
  • the last few days off work to relax, cook yummy dinners, and provide comfort to our new kitties
  • the return of college basketball season and the hoosiers 3-0 start (if you look at the big 10 standings, we're #1 thanks to our order in the alphabet!)
  • the flexibility my job provides me and the nice lady who traded trips with me so that i can fly with g and another friend, allowing for my birthday dinner in boston and tax-free holiday shopping in philly the following day! 
  • the yankee candles that make our house smell like autumn
  • excellent friends who love our new kitties and have provided much support
  • the upcoming holiday season

1 comment:

g said...

you're welcome :)

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