18 November 2010

new kitties! lucy edition


the minute i saw lucy at the tree house humane society, i fell in love with her.  growing up with a calico cat, i was immediately drawn to her beautiful markings.  in the kitten room she was very calm and spent most of her time 'making biscuits'.  once we brought her home, we quickly realized she's anything but "calm". 

she was very noisy all the way home with her loud meows.  when i opened up the box to let her out she immediately began to explore.  she quickly went around the entire place checking it all out.  while touring she was sure to let us know where she was with her noisy talking!  during her first evening, she was much more eager to play with the various toys we had for her.  while her sister ali was nervous and scared, lucy seemed to be more at home. 

we made the mistake of leaving our bedroom door open the first night and lucy spent ALL night exploring our room, along with her very loud meows.  it made for a restless night of sleep. 

lucy spent a lot of time yesterday sitting under the couch with ali.  i believe that lucy was trying to protect and calm her sister, who had no intention of coming out to explore or play. 

lucy's favorite toy is the laser beam.  she will chase it around the floor and jump up the walls trying to get it.  she was having so much fun chasing it around last night that ali even came out to join in the fun, or at least see what was going on!  i was so proud that lucy was helping ali feel more comfortable in their new home. 

 i know that we're going to have a great time with these two lovable girls! 


teresa-bug said...

meow, meow, meow, meow, meow

g said...

slowly but surely they're adapting.

andrea said...

i have a feeling that one is going to be a little trouble maker! good thing she's so cute!

stephanie said...


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